
SARAH IKARD has over 25 years marketing and sales experience. She specializes in community-based marketing, and helps small businesses figure out what to say about their business and how to say it.


Substance vs. Style

The speed of change in digital marketing has bred an obsession
with what’s new and shiny. Ad ranking, SEO, cost per clicks, conversions,
re-targeting, responsive web sites, web site design, digital graphics…
But a pretty web site or clever marketing tactic doesn’t sustain a brand long term unless
what you have to say about your business is different, interesting, and memorable.

priority #1: substance I help you put the substance of your business into words that illuminate the best of who you are and why you’re different. Some of my specialties: Mission/vision statements, unique selling propositions (USPs), features & benefits breakdowns, social media posts, digital/print ad copy, web site copy writing, brochures/sell sheets, and professional bios.
THEN,with right words established, the right style naturally emerges—making it easy for us to collaborate on a visual palette of imagery that best reflects this style and amplifies your core messages.
finally, I help you with application. We'll work together to determine easy and cost-effective ways to apply your substance & style for impactful long-term branding.
the "labs" are one-on-one clarifying and brainstorming exercises that assist in concocting your Substance, Style, and Application components.
Who benefits:Small Local Businesses - Startups • Side Hustles • Seasoned businesses needing to refresh/reset
...that already know who their best customer base is and the type of key influencers in that market.
...that don't have a large marketing budget and need to reach their target demographic in the most cost effective way.
...that are willing to do something different to stand out from the competition.
...that appreciate the long-game strategy for building a credible reputation and sustainable brand.